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Frequently asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is the Makaton Language Programme? 

A: Makaton is a multi-modal language programme using a combination of signs, symbols and speech to help those with additional needs to communicate. You can find more details about Makaton here


Q: Will using Makaton stop my child from talking? 

A: No! As long as you always speak when you sign :) 


Q: Is Makaton the same as BSL?

A: No, BSL is a language in its own right used by the deaf community. Makaton signs are derived from BSL however are used with speech in our spoken word order and was not designed for the deaf community. 


Q: What happens if I miss a session during the workshop?

A: If you miss a session of a workshop you will not receive your certificate and would be unable to complete the level. 


Q: What happens if I cannot attend one of the sessions?

A: If you cannot attend one of the sessions due to illness or emergency, a catch-up session may be arranged at a cost at the discretion of the tutor. If you choose not to attend a catch-up session you will not be able to complete your Level and you will not receive your certificate. Nor can Keep Signing send material you have missed, each sections is monitored by the Tutor. 


Q: Can I have someone join the workshop with me?

A: Yes, you can have anyone join the workshop with you, however they will be required to pay the workshop fee. If you decide that you wish to share a manual, the manual cost may be deducted from the fee but no-one is allowed to complete the course without first contacting the tutor and booking a place on the workshop.


Q: Can I share a screen with my friend/partner?

A: Yes you may share a screen however there can only be a maximum of 2 participants.


Q: Can my child attend a workshop?

A: The age recommendation for attending a workshop is 16 years and over. However, please contact Keep Signing if you have a younger child wishing to join. 


Q: How can I contact the tutor should I need to?

A: Email:

Contact Me &
Let's Get Started

If you would like more information on how to get started please use the form here or use the email below: 

Fancy a chat!? Why not give me a call?


For more information on The Makaton Language Programme

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